These include the likes of the Quick Settings toggle and various in-device menus. In this regard, the South Korean giant had also adopted the same in its One UI 4.0 update and has done some further enhancements to it with the latest 4.1 update. It has replaced the default circular color palette with the larger rectangular color selection menu. Truth the told, it does look good and at the same time, also gives more color variety options to the users to choose from. But the flip side, it seems to be failing at the very task it was designed for in the first place. It ends up showing those colors in the palette that aren’t even there in the wallpaper in the first place. This inaccurate Material You color palette in Samsung One UI 4.1 has left many users astonished and surprised in equal measures. So is this a bug or a deliberate move intended by Samsung? Well, let’s check it out.

Inaccurate Material You Color Palette in Samsung One UI 4.1

As is evident from the above screenshot, there exists five different color palettes that a user could choose from. However, these palettes aren’t in sync with the wallpaper colors and hence are causing a great deal of inconvenience to the end-users. But upon doing a further investigation, it seems that it is an intentional move from Samsung and the palette does still has a few hints of shades of the wallpaper. Here’s how we came to this conclusion:

First Palette: It shows the colors from your current Samsung theme. It remains static and doesn’t change with the change in wallpaper (unless you change your device’s theme as well).Second Palette: This is your current color palette. Third Palette: This color palette has been derived from your lock screen wallpaper.Fourth Palette: This color palette is derived from your home screen wallpaper.Fifth Palette: It is a combination of your lock screen & home screen colors and is only updated when your home screen Wallpaper is changed. In some instances, it also acts as an alternative color palette for your home screen

So this is the color scheme that Samsung has adopted for its latest OS build and it could be here to stay. Hence, rather than a bug, it might actually be a deliberate move from the OEM. And if that is indeed the case, then they should have taken a better approach in delivering this change to its user [we still read those lengthy update changelogs, Samsung!]. On the other hand, if it is due to a result of a bug, then a new patch might be on its way and we will update this section as and when it gets rolled out. All in all, let’s take this inaccurate Material You color palette in Samsung One UI 4.1 with a pinch of salt for the time being. On that note, we round off this write-up. What are your views on the same? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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Inaccurate Material You Color Palette in Samsung One UI 4 1   DroidWin - 78Inaccurate Material You Color Palette in Samsung One UI 4 1   DroidWin - 35Inaccurate Material You Color Palette in Samsung One UI 4 1   DroidWin - 2Inaccurate Material You Color Palette in Samsung One UI 4 1   DroidWin - 18